Dec 11, 2009

Quotes From Tonight's Nerd Night

I am frequently in the presence of all my guy friends and Chris while they're playing Magic The Gathering. I think it's a totally nerdy game, but the quotes are great! And here are tonight's:

"Billy, The Lionballs?" Bill asking Billy, who has developed the new nicknake of Lionball.

I drop truth bombs, bombs of truth. Then is blows up in their faces." I have no idea why Bill said this because I wasn't paying attention.

"Don't ever show them love, don't ever show those bitches love." Lee talking about a dog that was going happy crazy.

"Badass-itude." Bill.

"I need a black land." Chris. Shall I suggest going to Africa?

11:25pm. The dog ran into the trash can.

"The Senator for two." the Professor referring to my Chris, Chris Kennedy.

I would love to run a company based on McGyver. It would be #1 in the world cause that dude never failed.

"Are you fucking kidding, me is this really playing." me referring to Vanilla Ice's, "Ice, Ice, Baby."

"Why do I always pack extra pairs of underwear when getting ready for a vacation? I haven't shit my pants in years." Reading Ruminations online while the guys play. Thanks bill for the website recommendation.

I just remembered when Professor Chris and I went to Garden Ridge and he helped my fulfill a lifelong dream: to flop into a huge stack of pillows. That's a true friend.


GinnyML said...

OMG I think this may work now!